New Mount!

Spine Mount
from $85.00

Dawson Ridge is now offering Handmade Skeleton Mounts. These mounts are compatible with deer, cougar, bear and other small to medium sized skulls. This mount will typically not work for larger game such as Elk. The coloring of this mount closely matches most those of the natural bone color that European mounts have AND can be custom dipped (see below).

Please contact us if you would like to order yours custom Hydro-dipped in a pattern of your choice.

Handmade Skeleton Mounts - White $75.00

Handmade Skeleton Mounts - Hydro Graphic Dipped $125.00

Interested? Email or Message Shawn and Casey for more info.


Complete Mount - Bracket/Spine/Skull - with Custom Dipped Pattern

Wall Bracket - Dipped to Match Mount Pattern

Wall Bracket - Dipped to Match Mount Pattern

Wall Bracket + Spine- Dipped to Match Mount Pattern


Choose Your Pattern...And Your Color!

Have your cake and eat it to! 

Kryptec (Universal) is one of our most popular patterns - did you know you can pick the base color? We will lay down the base and the pattern to create a truly unique look for your project. 

Email or Message us for details!